Phone words are special telephone numbers that can be used to spell a word, such as your business name or something that you sell.

All 26 letters of the alphabet are represented on the number keys of modern telephone keypads. For example, the ‘2’ key represents letters A, B & C; ‘3’ represents D, E & F, and so on.

Phone words are easy for your customers to remember, and intuitively simple to dial. For example, to call 13LOAN, you would press 135626 on the keypad of your telephone.

Phone words are much easier to remember than numbers, so you can dramatically improve your advertising response.

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Benefits of phone words

  1. Phone words are easier to remember than telephone numbers
  2. Phone words are very easy to use
  3. Phone words can multiply your advertising response
  4. Convenience cuts out your competitors
  5. Phone words get people talking
  6. Phone words make you unforgettable
  7. Phone words stimulate customer confidence

1. Phone words are easier to remember than telephone numbers

Phone words are a simple way of expressing telephone numbers that are much more meaningful to your customers and prospective customers. Most people find it a lot easier to remember words and phrases than numbers. By using phone words, you’re making your telephone number easier to remember. That translates to more calls and increased sales.

Which of these is easiest to remember?

Telephone number Phone word
1800 424 728 1800 HAIRCUT
1800 767 872 1800 PORTRAIT
1300 639 422 1300 MEXICAN

Who’s using phone words?

Company Uses
Harvey Norman 1300 GO HARVEY
Foxtel 1300 FOXTEL
Westpac 1300 WESTPAC
smartwax 1800 SMARTWAX
All Seasons Catering 1800 PLATTERS

2. Phone words are very easy to use

Phone words have been in use in the United States for over 30 years. Market research in Australia indicates that phone words are now very well understood by Australian consumers. They are now very common in Australia. Many companies are recognising this trend and reserving their phone words now, to avoid losing them to a competitor.

Alphabetic characters have been present on the keypads of Australian telephones for many years. Dialling a phone word couldn’t be more straightforward, even for someone using a phone word for the first time!

3. Phone words can multiply your advertising response

Everyone in business wishes that they could extract greater value from their advertising spend. Ordinary telephone numbers may work well when your potential customers have your printed material in their hands. But they don’t work so well when you’re trying to get the number across verbally.

In advertising media, you have only a brief moment to communicate your numeric telephone number. If your potential customer isn’t holding a pen, it’s likely you’ll lose that call – and the sale. By using memorable phone words, you can increase the effectiveness of your advertising and increase your sales.

4. Convenience cuts out your competitors

To maximise your sales, you need to make it as easy as possible for your future customers to contact you. The last thing you need is for them to have to look up your number – they are likely to find your competitors and call them instead. It’s horrifying to think that your advertising spend may be boosting your competitors’ sales! A memorable phone word means that more potential customers will find your business and not someone else’s.

5. Phone words get people talking

Everyone knows that personal recommendations are the most effective form of advertising. You’re doing your bit by providing excellent service at the right price. But how can you get your customers to do more for you?

A memorable phone word makes it easy for your customers to pass on your phone number along with their personal recommendation. This means more calls, because new customers don’t have to look you up. Plus, you don’t risk losing them to someone else along the way.

6. Phone words make you unforgettable

Phone words draw on your customers’ existing knowledge of your brand. Every time they use your phone word to call you, your brand is reinforced.

7. Phone words stimulate customer confidence

Phone words are used by many of Australia’s top companies to promote their brand and make them more accessible. A well chosen phone word will help to build a positive impression of your business.